Humans as capital? Absolutely.
They are the most important economic resource your company will invest in.
They have a tremendous amount of power to move the barometer of your company’s success in either direction. Workplace culture is a living, breathing entity...and it’s kind of like a toddler.
Here's a common scenario:
Something’s not right...there’s a “dark cloud” hanging over the office, so leaders set up a meeting with HR. They think the culture should be a certain way and wonder why it isn’t. Discussion ensues. There’s a lot of confusion as to why employees are not engaged, not passionate, and most importantly, not productive. Someone in the room stands up and starts making bullet points on the whiteboard. “Our vision of the “perfect” culture!” A culmination of the best of the best ideas, a place where people were passionate and productive begins to take shape. That list gets whittled down until it’s a few very succinct points that no one has ever thought of before. It’s brilliant! The group decides to publicize that list via e-mail, a graphic that is so snazzy that it will be hung in cubicles. They even design a widget that can be put on manager’s desks. “Now everyone will know how our culture is supposed to be!”
Months later, people are more disengaged than ever. But it was foolproof! Wasn’t it?
More sick days, increased turnover, lots of whispering, low productivity.
Back to the toddler metaphor: toddlers tend to throw a tantrum when they are tired, bored, are confused, or not getting what they want. Workplace cultures are the same. When the culture’s needs are ignored, people are burnt out, confused, and uninterested, they will likely “throw a tantrum” or exhibit unexplained office malaise.
Widgets don’t work.
Cultures are influenced by both positive and negative change. The fascinating part is that change needed could be in anything from the size of a person’s monitor to a major acquisition. The modern workplace is peppered with change on a daily basis. It’s so hard to keep up sometimes. And workplace culture, negative or positive, happens organically.
Identifying and remedying unproductive employees, or worse—office “malaise”, requires an expert.
I offer a creative approach from an objective position. And I can focus on the task at hand like no one else, channeling my previous experiences into your specific needs. I will make sure that you have exactly what you need in order to influence—and sustain—the ever-changing needs in your organization. Your team will roll with any change that comes up and most importantly, they'll rally around it.